This month we’ve sourced a fantastic article from lighting group Digital Lumens. Check out their white paper on how tracking your energy drives real cost savings, which is not only a great throwback to last month’s post on real-time monitoring… It’s an easy and fascinating read that emphasises why it’s always worth your while to consider energy […]
Archives for April 2016
How to Enjoy Solar – Without Buying a System
It’s not a lease, and it’s not a fleece. That’s right, there’s a legitimate way to install and enjoy the benefits of solar PV without paying for or owning a PV system: a model called a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) in which the panels sit on your roof but are owned by a third party, […]
Grants and Funding, Past to Present: What’s Out There?
Funding is typically the greatest hurdle preventing the rollout of energy efficiency projects. In the past few years Enigin has secured over $13M in funding (both grant and financing) for our clients’ energy efficiency projects. But it’s an ever-changing landscape. What did we achieve in the past, and what’s out there now? Regardless of how […]
Perdaman Advanced Energy Partners with HELLA Industries – Efficient, Modular LED Lighting
Perdaman Advanced Energy is proud to announce our partnership with iconic light company HELLA Industries. The renowned light manufacturer, known for its development of high performance vehicle lights, is a leader in modern LED technology. HELLA’s LED technology combines simplicity with a versatile, modular design for use in transport, commerce and industry. Their variable light systems […]
Show Me the Money: Funding for Clean Energy Projects
CAPEX, finance or grants: One of these is necessary to undertake any project in your organisation. If no stakeholder provides funding, there is no project. This month we reveal the where and how of new funding for renewables and energy efficiency. Funding is a limited resource so you need a compelling business case and a […]