In the UK, the regulator has disclosed that it allowed energy network companies to make bigger than expected profits at the expense of household bills, according to its own state of the market report. What is the learning for Australia?
The regulator oversees the business plans of gas and electricity networks to keep a rein on how much each firm can spend on their infrastructure, and how much they can claim back through energy bills.
The revenue model forces network companies and the regulators to try and predict the future, years in advance, which has not necessarily been delivering optimum cost-effective outcomes.
Network related non-energy charges such and capacity and demand, account for the highest percentage of your electricity bill and so represent significant opportunity for consumers and prosumers in the energy market to achieve savings. You don’t have to wait until your current retail electricity contact expires to drive your energy costs down.
We can help you uncover how to reduce your non-energy charges (the biggest part of your bill) – just call us at 08 9429 5111.
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