100kW Solar System Morley Sports and Recreation Centre
Perdaman Advanced Energy recently won a successful tender process to supply and install a 100kw solar energy system at Morley Sports and Recreation Centre for City of Bayswater. Practical completion was achieved in April 2022 and expected activations of the system will be occurring in May 2022.
Issues Managed
Installation was conducted using 2 major roof spaces. The new basketball building and the older building roof space. We had to mitigate any damage to the new building floor whilst working inside, so we exerted a transportable wheeled scaffold. The older roof was also getting refurbished at the same time and we had to work around other trades and the City of Bayswater Schedules. Shutdowns couldn’t take place during the day so we conducted the commissioning shutdown at 10.30pm to 2am to ensure there was no impact for the City of Bayswater or its patrons.
PAE successfully delivered the 100kW project with excellent collaboration with the City of Bayswater Environmental and Facility Management team without accident or incident.