60 kW Solar Expansion for Recreation Centre
PAE designed, supplied and installed a 60kW solar PV expansion at the City of Stirling Herb Graham Recreation Centre. The design incorporated the latest 330W Trina mono-crystalline technology and SMA inverters. PAE also upgraded the whole of system performance monitoring and added monitoring of the site’s consumption.
The system is operating as expected and is anticipated to produce 91,309 kWh per annum.
The system will pay for itself in less than 4 years and the SMA Cluster Controller will provide greatly enhanced information and knowledge to optimise the site’s energy performance. The additional solar will reduce site grid purchases by 24%.
Overall System Rating: 59.73kWp
Carbon offset approximately 75 tonnes per annum which is the equivalent of planting 524 trees per annum.
PV Modules – 330W x Trina Solar TSM-330PD14